
Michael Spence

Senate Bill Proposes to Repeal Condo and HOA Laws

Real Estate

On January 17, 2024, the Senate Law and Justice Committee took testimony on SB 5796, a massive 193-page bill which proposes major changes to the law of condominiums, cooperatives and homes governed by a HOA.  In a nutshell, this legislation repeals existing condominium and HOA law in favor of the Washington Uniform Common Interest Ownership […]

Common Pitfalls of Workplace Investigations


When issues arise with employees in any workplace, increasingly workplace investigations are used as both a risk management tool for employers as well as to develop and understand the “facts” of what transpired that caused the issue. When conducted properly, workplace investigations resolve disputes, uncover misconduct, protect employees, and protect employers from liability exposure. When […]

Michael Spence

Legislature Passes Landmark “Middle Housing” Bill

Real Estate

On May 8, 2023, Governor Inslee signed HB 1110, commonly known as the “Middle Housing Bill”. The Middle Housing Bill represents the culmination of years of advocacy by groups concerned about the affordability of housing in Washington State, especially the Puget Sound.   The Middle Housing Bill strongly encourages “middle housing”, which includes 2 to 6- […]

Michael Spence

Supreme Court Voids One-Year Builder Warranties

Real Estate, Uncategorized

On October 27, 2022, the Washington Supreme Court pronounced in a 5-4 ruling that the one-year builder warranty was “substantively unconscionable and, therefore, void and unenforceable” because it deprived the home buyer of the 6-year statute of limitations for construction defects contained in RCW 4.16.310[1], benefited the builder, was not set out prominently in the […]

Kevin Khong

Important Considerations for Seeking a Vulnerable Adult Protection Order in Washington State

Trust and Estate Litigation, Uncategorized

In Washington State, there are six types of civil protection orders which are aimed at protecting specific classes of individuals in unsafe and particularly susceptible situations. These situations include those involving: Domestic Violence; Sexual Assault; Stalking; Harassment; Extreme Risk with firearms; and Vulnerable adults who face threats of physical/mental/financial harm. These different types of civil […]

Tyler Jones

Washington’s New Capital Gains Tax


On May 4, 2021, Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed Senate Bill 5096 into law, imposing a new tax on capital gains for Washingtonians. Beginning January 1, 2022, a flat rate of 7% will apply to a Washington resident’s net long-term capital gains in excess of a standard deduction and various exemptions. The standard deduction is […]

Kevin Khong

#FreeBritney and I Care A Lot: How Conservatorships and Guardianships Can Be Used to Protect (and How to Protect Yourself From Needing One).

Guardianship, Trust and Estate Litigation

The New York Times’ new docuseries episode on Britney Spears, “Framing Britney Spears”, the #FreeBritney movement, and the popularity of Netflix movie “I Care a Lot,” have spotlighted conservatorships and guardianships in mainstream media and culture.  Now more than ever, there is a sudden interest in conservatorships and guardianships, how they work, why they were […]

Phase 3 – Are We There Yet?

Business, Coronavirus / COVID-19

All eight regions in Washington State are now in Phase 2 under Governor Jay Inslee’s Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery plan for phased reopening of business.  With COVID-19 infection numbers in decline across the state, businesses are champing at the bit for “Phase 3”.  After all, the thinking goes, if the Governor is now […]