Recently, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) draft guidelines for a 3-phased re-opening plan were released and published by national news media. Although rejected by the White House Coronavirus Task Force, given the often conflicting guidance coming from the White House, it is likely these guidelines would be viewed by some local and […]

Washington’s “Start Safe” Plan for Reopening Business
On May 4, 2020, Washington Governor Jay Inslee extended the restrictions set forth in his Stay Home-Stay Healthy proclamation through May 31, 2020, and released a Start Safe Washington plan that reopens the state’s economy in four phases. Under this phased reopening plan, some businesses may reopen as early as Tuesday, May 5, 2020, […]

Additional Cash Flow Relief for Businesses under the CARES ACT: Deferral of Social Security Tax Payments
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) gives the opportunity for (1) employers to potentially defer the deposit and payment of the employer’s share of Social Security taxes; and (2) self-employed individuals to potentially defer payment of certain self-employment taxes. This is a welcome relief to many businesses struggling to cover operating costs […]

COVID-19 and the Restart of Construction Projects
On Friday, April 24, 2020, Governor Inslee announced that construction projects that have been suspended under his Stay Home, Stay Safe order would be allowed to proceed subject to compliance with a set of safety requirements intended to prevent the spread and resurgence of the coronavirus. The addendum to the order implements the first of […]

COVID-19 & Trusts, Estates and Vulnerable Adult Litigation
Covid-19 has disrupted the lives of many individuals and none more so than our vulnerable and elderly friends and family. The majority of proceedings related to litigation involving trusts, estates, guardianships, powers-of-attorney, and vulnerable adult protection orders occur in the Ex-Parte Department of the Superior Court. The Trust and Estate Litigation team at Helsell Fetterman […]
President Trump’s Proclamation Suspending Some Immigrant Visas
President Trump signed a much-feared Proclamation on April 22, 2020, suspending certain immigrant visas, effective from April 23, 2020 for 60 days or until June 22, 2020. The measure contains broad exceptions and is more limited than the sweeping closure he tweeted. Section 2(a) spelled out the scope of suspension and limitation on entry applies […]

Seattle’s First-in-Time Ordinance Will Remain the Law After U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear Appeal
This week the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of Seattle’s First-in-Time ordinance. The First in Time ordinance – believed to be the first in the country – was passed by Seattle City Council in 2016. After initially being declared unconstitutional by King County Superior Court Judge Suzanne Parisien, it was appealed directly […]
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and COVID-19
USCIS has made several public announcements regarding COVID-19 measures: As of March 18, USCIS temporarily suspended routine in-person services through at least May 3. However, USCIS has been accepting online and paper-filed applications and petitions. The suspended services include Biometrics appointments, INFOPASS appointments, interviews and Naturalization ceremonies. See here for full release. USCIS announced that […]

Seattle Considering Commercial Rent moratorium and Mandatory Payment Plans
On Tuesday, April 13, 2020, the Seattle City Council passed Council Bill 119766, relating to commercial tenancies involving small businesses or nonprofits. The ordinance would temporarily place a moratorium on rent increases for these tenants and would require landlords to negotiate payment plans for overdue rent. As of this writing (April 16, 2020 ), the […]
Online Remote Notarization Keeps Real Estate Transactions Moving Forward
Washington allows real estate documents to be executed by e-signatures rather than wet-ink signatures. However, many real estate related documents require notarization. The ability of individuals to properly execute deeds, deeds of trust, long-term leases, easements, covenants and other real estate documents requiring notarizing, has become increasingly difficult under the COVID-19 social distancing orders and […]