New Wastewater Rule Reflects Increasing Environmental Regulation of Wine Industry

Environmental, Wine

The Washington wine industry is the second largest in the United States, with over 970 wineries in business and an annual production of approximately 17.5 million cases, according to the Washington State Wine Commission. As the Washington wine industry grows, it will to face an increasing level of environmental regulation.  Other winegrowing states, such as […]

Michael Spence

PLIA Announces New Revolving Loan and Grant Program for Contaminated Commercial Properties

Environmental, Real Estate

The Washington State Pollution Liability Insurance Agency (PLIA) has just announced a new revolving loan and grant program under which low interest loans of up to $2 million are available to install, retrofit, close or clean up underground storage tanks (UST’s) on contaminated commercial properties.  The grant or loan can be used on any site […]

US Supreme Court Limits Local Government Land Use "Extortion"

Environmental, Land Use

On June 25, the United States Supreme Court announced an important decision on the ability of local governments to extract environmental (and presumably other) mitigations from private developers seeking land use entitlements. The case, known as Koontz v. St. John’s River Water Management District, severely limits this practice.