Helsell Attorneys Invited to Speak to Partners at Starbucks
A lunchtime presentation at Starbucks Headquarters helped employees become better informed about legal issues relating to estate planning and elder law issues.
Members of Helsell Fetterman’s Estate Planning & Probate and Elder Law practice groups spoke to approximately 40 Starbucks employees over the lunch hour about planning for themselves as well as for their aging parents. The presentation, titled “Estate Planning: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, lasted about one hour with time for personal questions afterwards.
The one-hour session included presentations by the following Helsell attorneys on the respective topics:

Estate Planning Basics
[email protected]
(206) 689-2164

Estate Planning—Beyond the Basics
[email protected]
(206) 689-2153

[email protected]
(206) 689-2185
Michael Olver
Will Contests
[email protected]
(206) 292-1144
To set up an educational session for your employees or request speakers, please contact Nathan Watson, Firm Administrator at [email protected]or (206) 689-2156.