Helsell Fetterman Proud to Sponsor and Support WIDEN CLE

Helsell Fetterman is proud to sponsor and support The Washington Immigrant Defense Network’s (WIDEN) Attorney Immigration Removal Defense Training Online CLE. WIDEN, in a unique and unprecedented collaboration with Washington State minority bar associations, is presenting an in-depth, online training in immigration removal defense law for non-immigration lawyers who are interested in using their legal skills to help in the ongoing immigration crisis.

The training includes two one-hour live, Zoom sessions on May 11th and May 18th, and five, one-hour sessions that participants can complete at their own pace by May 18, 2020, as follows:

Live CLE Schedule:
Monday, May 11, 2020, Noon- 1:00pm: Introductory Session – Live on Zoom
Monday, May 18, 2020, Noon-1:00pm: Summary Session / Q&A – Live on Zoom

Topics to be covered in training videos:
1. Nuts and Bolts of Removal Defense- Part 1: Asylum
2. Nuts and Bolts of Removal Defense- Part 2- Cancellation of Removal (COR)- E-42A and B), AOS, U/T and voluntary departure.
3. Bond Hearings.
4. How To: Court Procedures and Case Preparation.
5. The WIDEN Way: How the model works for conducting detained trials.

Registration link at Eventbrite